Zoom Effect File

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Zoom Effect Files (extension .ZD2) are effect files used in zoom patches (zptc). There is an Zoom effect allocation table like file that is used to describe all effects installed on a zoom device.

ZDLF header
Offset Size
Field Purpose
0x0 4 id 'zdlf'
0x4 4 dataSize
0x8 4 CRC
0xC 4 gen apears to be linked with firmware version, works like epoch field
0x10 8 supportRegion
0x18 64 Lvl unknown
0x58 1 usedUnits Number of cases used by this effect.

A normal effect like compressor or reverb consumes 1 unit

while a more complicated effect an amp will consume 2 units.

0x59 1 version Effect file version

example: 1.10

0x5D 2 reserved reserved for future development
0x5F 1 categoryId numeric id
0x60 4 typeId
0x64 11 typeName effect name
0x6F 11 categoryName category string id
0x7A 1 colorR R component of effect coloured icon
0x7B 1 colorG G component of effect coloured icon
0x7C 1 colorB B component of effect coloured icon
0x80 4 iconId "ICON"
0x84 4 iconSize size of effect's icon
0x88 [iconSize] iconData binary encoded icon (bmp)
Japanese comment header
Offset Size
Field Purpose
0x0 4 commentId "TXJ1"
0x4 4 commentSize length of comment string
0x8 [commentSize] commentString comment text
English comment header
Offset Size
Field Purpose
0x0 4 commentId "TXE1"
0x4 4 commentSize lenght of comment string
0x8 [commentSize] commentString comment text
Info header Offset
Field Purpose
0x0 4 infoId "INFO"
0x4 4 infoSize
Data (ELF image) header
Offset Size
Field Purpose
0x0 4 dataId "DATA"
0x4 4 dataSize